B625 David Peers of Grimsby, 5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, POW wounded 13 October 1915 found after 4 days on the Loos battlefield. Courtesy of Steve Bramley.
A721 Major John Boardman, 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, attended 9th Battalion, Rifle Brigade, died of wounds as prisoner of war, 25 April 1918. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
U231 King’s Liverpool Regiment, Inspection of Training Corp at Blundellsands, Crosby. Courtesy of Angela Collinson.
B624 Lieutenant Ronald Leslie Canby, 6th Battalion, North Staffordshire Regiment, killed 8 May 1917. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
B623 2nd Lieutenant John Samuel Smith, 5th and 2nd Battalions, South Staffordshire Regiment, killed in action, Arras 28 April 1917. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
A720 Arthur Bennion Yates, 15th Battalion, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, killed in action, Arras, 9 May 1917. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
B622 Unnamed soldier, 10th Battalion, King’s Liverpool Regiment (Liverpool Scottish). Courtesy of Angela Collinson.
A719 Captain Clifford Wilkes, 2nd Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, killed Arras, 28 April 1917. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
G777 Named officers and other ranks, Instruction in Gunnery refresher course, Royal Artillery, Golden Hill Fort, Isle of Wight, January 1918. Freshwater studio.
G775 Royal Engineers, with Frank Ernest Elliott (standing left) and Albert John Gander, France. Written to Mr. J. Gander, 21 Grecian Road, Tunbridge Wells.
A718 Unknown soldier, thought to be Archie Cameron, M.M., 8th Battalion, Border Regiment, killed 9 April 1918. Courtesy of Alison B.
B619 Reginald William Dullam of Llangarren, Hereford, 9th Battalion, London Regiment (Queen Victoria’s Rifles), died Gommecourt, 1 July 1917.
B612 Captain, later Lieutenant Colonel John Eaton Blackwall, D.S.O. Sherwood Foresters. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
G770 Unnamed officers, 6th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, Clumber Park, 1913. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
B609 Unknown soldier, 5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, William E. Sherlock Studio, Grimsby. Courtesy of Steve Bramley.