A561 Captain Victor Owen Robinson, 6th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, M.C. and two Bars. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
A561 2nd Lieutenant James Elliot Kippax of Burnley, 4th Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment, killed 22nd September 1918 aged 20. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
A560 Major Arthur Wilson Shea DSO served as surgeon for the Derbyshire Territorials. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
F227 Wedding of Sergeant Charles Chamberlain, 1st Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment, and Alice Sansom in Chipping Campden on 9 July 1915. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
B450 George Bennett, 8th Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment, killed 23 July 1916. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
A559 2nd Lieutenant Kenneth Hills Bond M.C., 6th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
A555 Captain Reuben Henry Gregory M.C., 9th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters. killed 9 July 1917. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
A554 2nd Lieutenant Frederick William Arthur Stubbs, 6th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, killed 9th May 1917. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
B449 Brigadier General Charles Tyrell Shipley, Sherwood Foresters, 139 Brigade. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
B448 Lance Corporal Sam Lowndes of Keighley, 18th Battalion West Yorkshire Regiment, (Bradford Pals). Courtesy of David Knights.
B446 Lieutenant Colonel Godfrey Davenport Goodman of Sheringham, 6th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
A445 Captain Frederick Wystan Hipkins of 51 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, D Coy, 6th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, died 3rd October, 1918. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
A546 Lieutenant Daniel Whelton of Dunowen, Ardfield, Clonakilty, Co. Cork, 8th Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, died 29 April, 1916 aged 25 at Hulluch. Courtesy of Pat.
B444 Captain Edward William Atkinson, DSO, OBE of 1st Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.
B443 Richard Burd, 2nd Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, killed 13thnSeptember, 1918. Courtesy of Paul Burd.
B440 Percy Wildsmith of 106, Leonard Street, Derby, 5th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters, killed 1st July 1916. Courtesy of Michael Briggs.