Images tagged "western-front"
G054 Lt Davidson, 14th Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G055 Lt Fairbourne, Lt Hewitt, 14th Btn, Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G056 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys), David McLeod, KIA September 1917, left
G057 Payments of billets, A Coy 14th Btn, Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G058 14th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G059 Major Arnott, Capt Bostock, Capt Wayman,14th Btn, Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G060 Royal Artillery
G061 Major Arnott, Captain Wayman, Captain Bostock, 14th Btn Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G062 Northumberland Fusiliers, France, May 1915
G063 Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G064 Northumberland Fusiliers, clerical staff and orderlies, A Coy, 14th Battalion, May 1915
G065 Northumberland Fusilers, concert party troupe
G066 14th Battalion, Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G067 Lt Jackson, 2nd Lt Price, 14th Btn, Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G068 Major Arnott, Captain Wayman, Lt Bava, 14th Btn, Northumberland Fusiliers, May 1915
G070 13 Coy, 5th Battalion, Hampshire Regiment 9 June 1914
G071 Devonshire Regiment
G072 Duke of Cambridge's Light Infantry and Royal Engineers, France