F394 John William Lewis, R.N., Chief Stoker aboard H.M.S. Strongbow when the ship was destroyed by two German cruisers on 17th October 1917. Remembered at the Chatham Naval Memorial. Courtesy of Poppy Tonbridge.
F390 George Wallis of Lymington, 20th Battalion, Durham Light Infantry, died 30 October 1918, and family. Courtesy of Trevor Phillips.
F372 Thomas Kilby Keeley of Campden, 2nd 4th Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment, died 19 August 1917 (seated front with wife, Agnes). Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
F347 Harry Johnson lost at sea in 1917 on merchant vessel ‘Martin’, and daughter. Courtesy of Lynne Brown.
F311 Dennis Sydney Mitchell, Royal Field Artillery, killed 14 April 1918, wife, Agnes, and child. Courtesy of Rosemary Huckett.
F305 Albert Ernest Marriott (left), Harry Conrad Marriott (centre) and Sydney Herbert Marriott (right), and families, December 1918. Courtesy of Stephen Marriott.