Harold Moseley, 2nd Battalion, Hampshire. Regiment. killed 5 Sept 1918 age 19. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
Lt John Robin Blacker, 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards, KIA 28 September 1915. Courtesy of Helen Charlesworth.
Corporal William Henry Pierson of Cottenham, 2nd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment, killed in action, 10 May 1917. Courtesy of Alan King.
Sergeant John Whitecross, 2nd Battalion, Royal Scots Fusiliers, KIA 9th April, 1917, aged 21, Manchester Studio
2nd Lieutenant Alfred Farnan, 2nd Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps. 1916. Courtesy of Barrie Spears.
B359 Leonard Moseley, 2nd Battalion. Hampshire Regiment. killed 6 May 1918, aged 22. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.