WO242 Wounded group, Cenacle Red Cross Hospital, New Brighton, with Bertie Hibbett, 5th Battalion, South Staffordshire Regiment, wounded Gommecourt, 1st July 1916, courtesy of Elizabeth Hibbett Webb.
B514 Sergeant Goodchild of Cleethorpes, 5th Battalion, Lincolnshire Regiment, Monchy. Courtesy of Steve Bramley.
B494 2nd 6th Cavalry Reserve Battalion, Curragh,1916: Major Henry Welch, Lieutenant Colonel H.S. Hodgkin, Captain V.H.E. Langford, Lieutenant W.J. Keery, W.O. William Roberts.
G703 Officers of 3rd Battalion, London Regiment, Hurdcott Camp, 2 May 1916, four subsequently killed and five wounded. Courtesy of Paul Hughes.
2nd Lieutenant Alfred Farnan, 2nd Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps. 1916. Courtesy of Barrie Spears.
Charles Rush, Royal Welsh Fusiliers, DCM 1916, killed by sniper in India,1921, Courtesy of Mark Lewis
Adjutant and instructional staff, 5th Offcier Cadet Battalion, Trinity College, Cambridge, July 1916.