A790 Lieutenant Bernard Joseph Edward, M.C., 3rd and 9th Battalions, Loyal North Lancashire Regiment, died 18 April 1918. Courtesy of Sterenny.
F305 Albert Ernest Marriott (left), Harry Conrad Marriott (centre) and Sydney Herbert Marriott (right), and families, December 1918. Courtesy of Stephen Marriott.
G827 Sydney Herbert Marriott (left), Harry Conrad Marriott, M.C. (centre) and Albert Earnest Marriott (right), Alders House, Tamworth, December 1918. Courtesy of Stephen Marriott.
G777 Named officers and other ranks, Instruction in Gunnery refresher course, Royal Artillery, Golden Hill Fort, Isle of Wight, January 1918. Freshwater studio.
F022 William James Duffy, 2/7Battalion, The King’s (Liverpool Regiment), wife Margaret, and children Harold and Edith, 1918.
F133 Sergeant and Mrs J.E.Burley, Australian Engineers, 16 December, 1918, Edwarde Studio, Southampton.
A086 Harold Warrington of Sheffield, H.M.S. Victory, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, died 11 March 1919, H.M. Coastguard Station (Inchkeith). Photograph taken January 1918.